Welcome, to Matuku Funerals....
We facilitate family-led and family-centred funerals. We support our families to have as much involvement in the after-death care of their loved one, as they desire.
At Matuku Funerals we believe in the healing value of spending time with your loved one, regardless of whether a funeral is to be held.
We work closely with you to make sure that you have options for saying that final farewell.
We don't offer set packages, instead, we talk to you about your needs and make a bespoke plan to carry out your wishes with professionalism and top customer service.
For price information, contact us for a quote or check out our price scenarios under "pricing."

Our Philosophy at Matuku
At Matuku Funerals, we understand that it is difficult for many people to talk about death. We all know it is a natural part of life, but it can be emotionally difficult to discuss and frightening.
We sometimes fear that talking about death will cause death...or other things like that. As a result, not much is known about the various options available for death care and funeral planning, and what is available can vary.
If you are facing your own death or the death of a loved one, please know that we are a resource here to help. Pre-planning is not giving up on your life or your loved one. Pre-planning gives us better choices and often can ease fears. We can have input and assist our loved ones to best honour our lives. It gives our family a better experience too, because they know what you want and don't want. We give them a gift when we pre-plan, and a chance to start the grief journey with direction. A meaningful farewell is incredibly important to those left behind.
Each situation is different, and we offer flexibility and service to support you to make the choices that meet your personal requirements and ecological preferences. We have many options for services that give you a much greater choice in how you or your loved one is cared for after they die. We are here to discuss this with you and offer our guidance. It is important to us that you make the choice that is right for you and your family.

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Located in Golden Bay
Matuku Caretaker's Cottage, 574 East Takaka Road, RD 1
East Takaka 7183 New Zealand
Postal address- Matuku Funerals, 81 Back Road, RD 1, Takaka, 7183