For urgent service phone 027 777 4738 or 03 525 7399

Price Scenarios

Simple Cremation

We pick your loved one up at the home in Takaka, and bring them to Matuku Funerals. We care for them with kindness. We place family notices and design a social media announcement. We offer a free viewing with our professional service fee, so the family decide to gather at the funeral home before the lid is placed on the simple cardboard casket. Each person has a chance to say their farewell. The casket is loaded into the van, and at the back of the vehicle each person lays a sprig of greenery on the casket, before departure. In a couple of days, we deliver the cremains (ashes) to the family home. They come in a bag, inside a cardboard box. We provide two JP-copies of the death certificate once it arrives. We take care of all paperwork and notifications.            $5235

Funeral Followed by Cremation

We pick up your deceased loved one and take them into our care at Matuku Funerals. You wish to hold a funeral at a local community hall in Golden Bay, and you wish to have the deceased at the funeral with a closed (or open) casket.

Matuku Funerals will do all the arrangements- place the notices, contact the minister or celebrant, book the hall, apply for cremation, order the flowers, get catering quotes, set up the hall, bring a donation box, provide a 3-speaker PA system, video the service, design and hand out the service sheets, make a slideshow of memories to music, and bring a guestbook, tissues and staff.  The hearse is used for funeral transport. The family has a builder friend who has made the casket (in line with regulations) and the urn.

After the funeral, the deceased departs for cremation, and the ashes are returned to the family over the coming days. (This price does not include the cost of the catering, hall, printing, or notices, or a casket.)        $8109

Natural Burial and Home Care

We come to the family home in Pohara, bringing our "home-care kit" of mini-freezer and special ice packs. We assist you in caring for your loved one's body, or we do it for you. We are prepared to pop in daily.

We assist your family with planning the funeral and take care of all the applications, paperwork, bookings and notices.

We guide you in natural burial and provide a burial bier and shroud. The funeral will happen at home and be led by a CANZ celebrant, followed by a cortege to the cemetery for burial. Music will be played at the graveside. Matuku Funerals creates a slide show for the reception, service sheets, and films the service.

Family prefer the van for transport and wishes to hand-lower the casket and backfill the grave. They will plant a tree as a final enactment before departure.                        $9000

Traditional Service at Hall, Burial and Catering for 200 People

The family prefer embalming and a traditional church service, but the funeral will be too big for the local church. 

This funeral scenario includes all the "bells and whistles," and is an example of Matuku's most expensive funeral. The price includes transportation to embalming in Nelson, filming/live stream of the funeral and burial, three staff members, a professional celebrant, slideshow, guest book and printing of social media comments, music, set up and clean up of hall, printing of 200 service sheets, flowers, catering for 200 people, 2 hall hires, grave in Tasman District, interment fee, death certificate and notification, newspaper notices, hearse transport, graveside committal, temporary grave marker and engraving, and a locally made casket of recycled rimu. The only thing that this scenario does not include is a donation to the Father for the mass.                                  $15,510

Simple Burial, with Small Private Funeral

This scenario reflects a family that does not wish to hold a large, public service. They have arranged a private caterer to prepare afternoon tea for the family after the small service. 

They also do not wish to have their loved one at home before the graveside service. They will come to Matuku Funerals for a family viewing the evening before the service.

We work closely with the family to pick out a casket that fits with Nanna's character, personality, and budget. 

We take care of all the bookings and paperwork, and on the day they arrive at the cemetery to see that we have taken care of everything.

A family friend is the celebrant, and we have a podium, PA system with a microphone and chairs, all set up. We hand each family member a service sheet that is in the form of a bookmark, as their person loved to read.  

At the end of the service, the family pallbears to the grave, to Nanna's favourite song. Instead of placing flowers in, or a handful of soil, each family member drops in a tea bag...Dilmah, of course! Nanna wouldn't have anything else!

As the family depart to be together, we phone the sexton and await the grave to be filled. We place a temporary grave marker and arrange the flowers at the head of the grave.     $9600


Information About our Professional Service Fee

Our professional service fee applies when we are engaged by a family and includes the use of all consumables, mortuary equipment, filing of legal paperwork, making and placing notices (but not the cost of notices), insurance, two nights in the cool room and more. This is a set fee for our service, regardless of if a funeral is held. It includes basic mortuary care and a viewing when possible. Viewing is almost always possible. Our professional service fee is $2600 and is included in all the price scenarios.

When you enquire and engage us to help, we will provide you with a quote for our costs. We do not add commission to disbursements (notices, flowers, hall hire, caterers, printing, etc.) We will advise if there will be additional costs, and communicate those quickly, and clearly. 

We will assist you in finding price solutions and are very proud to offer the Golden Bay Community Casket for services and viewings.

We can assist with WINZ grant or ACC claims, liaising with The Public Trust, Executors and lawyers and the Funeral Trust. 

The nitty-gritty details....

We have provided price scenarios above, but if you wish for more detailed price information please review our price list. Click the button to the right.

NB- Current price list as of August, 2024. 

We will assist with Funeral Grant applications, ACC Grants and Funeral Insurance Claims. We love to make things easier for you.